Manek involved in the process of rich minerals for last 25 years, we process different minerals for different applications. we are involved in process and export of high-quality Talc, we have process capacity 100,000 MT per annum. we can offer Talc with different specifications according to requirement of industries. we strictly follow ISO, Halal and Kosher standards.
Talc is a natural mineral, it mined from the earth, it composed of magnesium, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen. Chemically, talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate with a chemical formula of Mg3Si4O10(OH)2.
Talc has different uses according to chemical and physical properties, talc use in different industries like soap & Detergent, Paint, Plastic, Ink, Pharma, Cosmetics and other personal care.
Manek involved in mining and processing of rich minerals since last 25 years, we have own mining and 100,000 MT per year processing facilities with latest technology and well equipped lab.
Talc is a natural mineral, it mined from the earth, it composed of magnesium, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen. Chemically, talc is a hydrous magnesium silicate with a chemical formula of Mg3Si4O10(OH)2.
Talc has different uses according to chemical and physical properties, talc use in industries like Paint, Plastic, Pharma, Cosmetics and other personal care.
We are manufacturer and exporter of high quality Talc Powder in India with plant capacity of 36000 MT per annum. Our plants located in Gujarat State.
It is largely composed of the mineral Talc and is thus rich in magnesium. It is produced by dynamo thermal metamorphism and metasomatism.
In loose form, it is the widely used substance known as talcum powder. It occurs as foliated to fibrous masses, and in an exceptionally rare crystal form.
With the help of strict quality control and international manufacturing practices we are able to deliver high purity Talc Powder with excellent whiteness, brightness and particle size.
Talc is a versatile mineral, widely used in various industrial applications. The nature of deposit, formation of talc is the index of its chemical purity, particle shape and other physical features.
Talc possesses some unique and unusual properties, which makes it ideal for its multiple uses. No other mineral other than talc possesses such combination of intrinsic properties.
The natural qualities of talc gives cosmetics stability, texture, skin adhesion, slip and water resistance. Talc is pure, odorless and free from impurities. Talc is not only used in Body Talc (Talcum Powder) and Toilet Soaps, but also in Detergents and Washing Powder.
In body talc, it acts as a perfume carrier due to its chemical inertness and lamellar structure.
In soaps, talc is mainly used as a filler. The consumption of talc in Soap, varies between 10 to 50% depending on the quality and type of soap. It also acts as a binding agent and gives hardness to the cake.
302-303 Shanti Mall,
Satadhar Cross Road,
Ghatlodia. Ahmedabad-380061,
Gujarat, India
303 Shivalik shilp, Iscon Cross Road, SG Highway, Ambali Road.
Ahmedabad-380054, Gujarat, India